Monday, August 8, 2016

Parshas Matos - Mass Murder

The Parsha describes how the Jews waged war against Midyan and won the war. They returned with booty and captives, all of the women and the young boys. Moshe Rabbenu then commands them to kill all the young boys as well as any woman/girl who can have sexual relations (anyone over the age of 3). There is no other way to describe this but mass murder of innocent woman and children. Yet, we read this parsha every year and don't blink an eye.

What is hypocritical is that whenever someone else does this to us we scream bloody murder. The Nazis did nothing worse then what the Bnei Yisrael did to the Midyanim (except maybe more efficiently). If we can wipe out Midyan, Amalek, the 7 nations, killing men, women and children, why can't the Nazis wipe us out? What is the difference? Of course the dfference is that we believe that we were commanded by God to do it and therefore it is by definition moral, well guess what, most mass murderers also believe that.

We all believe that certain things are wrong because we were brought up in the western world. Slavery, rape, mass murder, etc. are all unacceptable now, yet, are integral parts of Judaism.  The fact is there is a fundamental clash of culture between Western liberal democracy (and Orthodox (especially Charedi) Judaism.

Using the US as an example let us look at a number of the fundamental principles underlying the US:
1. All men are created equal
2. Freedom of religion
3. Freedom of speech
4. Democracy

All of these are denied by Orthodox Judaism.
1. All men are created equal - non-believers are not equal, women are not equal, etc. Judaism has a very clear hierarchy spelled out by the Mishna in Horayos and has many discriminatory halachos against non-Jews. R' Weinberg (the Seridei Eish) wrote the following in one of his letters:
The entire world hates us. We assume that this hatred is due to the wickedness of the nations, and no one stops to think that perhaps we also bear some guilt. We regard all the nations as similar to an ass. It is forbiddent to save a gentile., it is forbiddent to offer him free medical treatment, it is forbidden to violate the Sabbath to save his life ... Can the nations resign themselves to the deprivation of rights?
2. Freedom of religion - Idolaters are put to death
3. Freedom of speech - various issurim of mekallel hashem, lashon hara, etc.
4. Democracy - Davidic monarchy, Daas Torah

There is a simple test. A Charedi Jew can live very well and prosper in the US without the government really bothering him. He/she can dress the way they want, educate their children for the most part the way they want, etc. The same could not be said for a halachic state. Put the average American in a halachic state and they would have to change their way of life. They couldn't dress the same way, worship, etc.


  1. Exposing some of the dirty underbelly of 'Torah' Judaism. I for the most part have only hinted at it. Frum would probably respond - but this is what G-d wants us to do and those evil doing Idol worshipers have to be destroyed. Plus the Talmud, later Rabbis etc: took the edge off. Well sometimes they did but sometimes they made it sharper.

  2. And the Muslim suicide bombers say the same thing that is what Allah wants them to do. Not a very convincing answer

    1. If memory serves me, did not Rambam write the Israelites were to give warning such as cease Idol worship and then pay taxes to the Israelites ? Cant recall if that applied to Midianites. And it probably did not apply to Amalek.

  3. If in fact God commanded these things, and if God is the arbiter of what is moral, then wouldn't that mean that our feeling that wiping out Midyan etc. is wrong?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @ G*3 - I think the Torah writes G-d commands Moshe. Then how is it different than when some religious leader claims their orders come from their god ? From the Mesha Stele - "And Chemosh said to me, Go take Nebo against Israel, and I went in the night and I fought against it from the break of day till noon,..."

  4. From the Mesha Stele - "And Chemosh said to me, Go take Nebo against Israel, and I went in the night and I fought against it from the break of day till noon,..." Moshe claims Yahweh spoke to him to attack Midianites and King Mesha claims the god Chemosh spoke to him to attack the Nebo.

  5. What was the motivation in Bamidber 31 that instigates the war against Midian - was it something like the incident at Peor as mentioned in Bamidber 25 ? Because the Israelites may be lead to sin is that why Moshe commands the brutal slaughter ?
