Monday, August 15, 2016

Would anyone follow Moshiach today if he came?

Yesterday was Tisha B'Av and with it came the obligatory talk about Moshiach and the Geula. It got me thinking however, if Moshiach came how would we know it and who would follow him? The Jewish people are so divided even just the religious that I don't see how any one person could unite the Jewish people. Would Chasidim accept a Litvak moshiach? Would Litvaks accept a Chassidish Moshiach? Would Charedim accept a non-Charedi Moshiach (Dati Leumi, MO, OO, etc.)? Would non-Charedim accept a Charedi Moshiach? Would Ashkenazim accept a Sephardi? Would Sefardim accept an Ashkenazi?

Just look what happened when events took place that contradicted a certain groups hashkafa, here are 2 examples:

  1. The Six Day War when Israel won a tremendous victory and restored the holy places to Jewish sovereignty posed a tremendous theological question to Satmar. Their answer was מעשה שטן, which with all due respect to the Satmar Rebbe is ridiculous on all levels. Given that, any non-Satmar moshiach will probably be called מעשה שטן and ignored or condemned
  2. The Lubavitcher Rebbe's death in the early 1990s posed a tremendous theological question to all of those Chasidim who believed that he was Moshiach. They gave different answers (he was still Moshiach even though he died, he didn't die, etc.) each one more problematic then the other.  Could Lubavitchers accept a different Moshiach? I think not.

The truth is that I don't believe that most people really want moshiach. It would be way too disruptive, in so many ways.

Moshiach presumably would reconstitute the Sanhedrin which would then completely change Halacha. The the Gemara (Sanhedrin 88b) states that until the time of Hillen and Shamai there was no Machlokes in halacha. All questions were resolved by the local Beis Din with difficult questions going up to the Sanhedrin whose psak was final.

אמר רבי יוסי מתחילה לא היו מרבין מחלוקת בישראל אלא בית דין של שבעים ואחד יושבין בלשכת הגזית ושני בתי דינין של עשרים ושלשה אחד יושב על פתח הר הבית ואחד יושב על פתח העזרה ושאר בתי דינין של עשרים ושלשה יושבין בכל עיירות ישראל הוצרך הדבר לשאול שואלין מבית דין שבעירן אם שמעו אמרו להן ואם לאו באין לזה שסמוך לעירן אם שמעו אמרו להם ואם לאו באין לזה שעל פתח הר הבית אם שמעו אמרו להם ואם לאו באין לזה שעל פתח העזרה ואומר כך דרשתי וכך דרשו חבירי כך למדתי וכך למדו חבירי אם שמעו אמרו להם ואם לאו אלו ואלו באין ללשכת הגזית ששם יושבין מתמיד של שחר עד תמיד של בין הערבים ובשבתות ובימים טובים יושבין בחיל נשאלה שאלה בפניהם אם שמעו אמרו להם ואם לאו עומדין למנין רבו המטמאים טמאו רבו המטהרין טהרו משרבו תלמידי שמאי והלל שלא שמשו כל צרכן רבו מחלוקת בישראל ונעשית תורה כשתי תורות

This process would happen again, there would be no Sefardi psak like the Beis Yosef and Ashkenazi psak like the Rama, the Sanhedrin would pasken one way and everyone would have to follow it.

The truth is it would be even more disruptive then just erasing teh lines between Sephardim and Ashkenazim, presumably all hashkafic questions would be addressed as well. Rationalists vs Kabbalists, Charedim vs MO, Chassidim vs Litvaks, R' Desslers Hashgacha Pratis vs the Rambams, Torah only vs Torah im Derech Eretz, etc. Imagine the turmoil this would throw the religious world into. Imagine if your whole world view is suddenly overturned, would you accept that?

Moshiach would also introduce all the laws of Tumah and Tahara. This would completely change Hilchos Nidda and how women would have to act. Everyone would have to throw away all of their (tameh) furniture and deal with the facts of Tumah and Tahara and everything it meant.

Of course there would be a Beis Hamikdash and we would all need to bring Korbanos. How many people reading this can really picture themselves bringing and animal to the Beis Hamikdash and having it sacrificed as a Korban? Presumably the Beis Hamikdash would again become the central focus of Judaism, does anyone really believe that can happen? Can Kohanim really picture themsleves wearing the Bigdei Kehuna, killing birds with their fingernails, and sprinkling blood on the mizbeiach?

Last but not least, would American Jews really want to give up their life in America including summer homes in the Catskills to move to Israel?

In short, the idea of Moshiach seems great until you look at the little (and not so little) details and then you see that it is really just a pipe dream that can never actually happen.


  1. I think Rambam said no more animal sacrifice. Yet there are certain statutes in the Torah involving such sacrifices and they are to be forever.

  2. The Rambam wrote that in the Moreh Nevuchim, however, in the Mishna Torah he does codify all of teh halachos relating to the Beis Hamikdash, Korbanos etc. There is no question that the normative opinon in orthodox Jewry is that the Beis Hamikdash will be rebuilt and we will bring Korbanos

    1. That is my confusion - Rambam is contradicting the Torah - that they should be forever.

  3. I think that Moshiach definitely has a tough job, but I think a charismatic enough character combined with excellent knowledge (and a few open miracles thrown in) could do the trick.

